-we been writing songs since 2002
-we like writing songs, we're still writing songs.
-this band is almost punkrock, almost technical, almost fast.
-most lyrics deal with music, the corporate world, the thirld world debt, the middle east conflict, greed, some inner thoughts and other shits.
-we're not about politics, we're humanists. whatever this means.
-we don't lecture, we don't have any answers, but things to say.
-we're kind of friendly.
-we stand on the edge of uncertainty
-under the shadow of talented bands
-we don't know how to make friends and suck d*cks, that's why we're
humble. well, we try. Do we?
-famous sucks anyway. doesn't it, Lady Gaga?
-oh, and we like name-dropping, see, we were lucky to play with
This is a Standoff(can), Action men(it), The loved ones(usa), The real McKenzies(can), High Five Drive(can), The Sainte Catherines (Qc), JetMarket(it), Static Radio NJ(usa), Tackleberry(ger), Nine Eleven(fr) Antillectual(nl), OcToons(fr),Nina School(fr) Go Drowsy(swe), Scurvy Dogs(usa), Black Sheep(be), Steamboat Rally(swe), ISP(fr), Randys Ripcord(de), Steve and the alcoholics(swe)...and so on.we're happy we have this chance.
-we like to do shows to meet you n be a part of your life for a while. n vice versa
-we are going to do shows, help out.
Nowadayz - Share With The Class (2010/DVS030)
Tracklist: 1-What's at stake /2-We're french but we're ok/3-Another brick in the mall/4-The G8 debt part.2/5-At the salvation army store/6-Share with the class